Saturday 16 August 2014

~The Most Unforgettable Vacation~

Butterfly Farm Cameron Highland

Last year,my family and I went for a vacation at Cameron Highland.For me this holiday is the most unforgettable in my life because while we have a fun time but at the same time we also going through a difficult time too.Actually,this vacation is not in our family plan because our original plan is send one of my father's friend because he has been transferred to Gua Musang.So,after go to Gua Musang we hit the road to Cameron Highland with two of my father's friends.about one and a half hour driving form Gua Musang to Cameron Highland.This journey is starting to getting more excited because this is my first time go there and when we started to climb that mountain the temperature is dropping.On the halfway to reach there suddenly my father told us that the gasoline is almost empty and we might not reach our destination.Fortunately,we found a stall aside the road.So,we tried to ask the owner is there any gasoline to sell it to us,but owner is take for granted to sell those gasoline RM30 for 10 Liter.My father decided not to buy it because it is too expensive.We continue our journey to there,fortunately we able to reach there without any problem`Alhamdulillah'.When we reach there it is already Dhuhr,so we go straight to musollah to pray.After solah we go to strawberry farm to pluck the fruit by ourself and taste the homemade ice cream using the fresh strawberry that we already pluck.We spend about 45 minutes there,then we go to Butterfly Farm.There is so many type of butterfly there and it is so wonderful and amazing.When we finished our tour at that farm it is already night.So,we are on the home stretch.This is the beginning of my thrill journey when we are driving at Tasik Kenyir road.This road has a terrible reception and has a lot of holes on the road.So,this incident happened around 11.30 p.m on our way to Kuala Berang while my sibling and I were sleeping at passenger seat.Suddenly,`Boom' I heard something explode.When I woke up,I knew that two of the tyres were explode.So my father as quick as possible try to change the tyre but the spare tyre has no air in it.Then we try to call the towing service but the phone has no reception.So,we has out of idea what should we do.Fortunately,one of my father's friend using the same road and helped us,so we are using their spare tyre to replace the puntchred tyre.But we need one more tyre to continued our way back home.Then suddenly we found an air pump at the back of my father's friend car.So,we used it to pump the tyre.Alhamdulillah,at 1.30 a.m all of the problem is solved.At the end we,arrived at our home around 3.00am.

Written By:
Mohamad Amili Bin Aersid

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