Sunday 28 September 2014

The best moment i ever had in my life - TENGKU

                 During the last school holiday. When I want to share my memory the best moment i ever had in my life in Genting Highland with my family. When my dad told me, I was very excited because it was my first time in there. We went by car.

                  Once upon I arrive in there, I found many foreign tourists there. When I was there. I though weather and situation was different than my place. The fog was so thick and the is very cold. After that, I and my family take the opportunity to see the beautiful scenery and interesting. At Genting Highland it has everything that we can play. Furthermore, at there also got Cinema 4D. It was amazing that I thought. Their chair can move like a roller coaster and also can spin. That was my first experience in Cinema 4D.  Besides that, after I go out from cinema, I go play Bumper Car. That thing can smash everything, it make that thing very cool. Before play bumper car we have to queue.

                  Finally, in next day, I cleared away my entire thing to return home. Although my family and I feel so tired, but I'm still happy and have a lot of interesting experiences in this place. I can't wait to come here again.   

Wednesday 24 September 2014

MY Favorite FoOd...(Fried Rice)

Nasi Goreng Kampung
There are many fancy food that has been created by the professional chef in the world, such as sushi, prosciutto carbonara  pasta and many more. But for me, my favorite food is fried rice, even though there is variety type of fried rice such as  `nasi goreng kampung’, `nasi goreng cina’, `nasi goreng paprik ‘ and many more. But for me I only love to eat  a simple fried rice and that is cooked by my mother. Even though those fried rice is make by using simple ingredient such as anchovy ,pepper ,onion ,some salt and rice but it is still my favorite food. The first reason fried rice had become my favorite food because it is cooked by my mother .The second reason is because it is easier to make then other food and it take just a couple of minutes to be cooked and last but not least my last reason is because I eat those fried rice when I was only 3 years old until now and those western food is not my cup of tea. So ,if someone ask me what is my favorite food, I will tell them that `fried rice’ is my favorite food

Written BY:
MOhamAd Amili

Playing Computer Games(Hobby)


 Everyone in this world has their own hobby or something they like to do, such as playing badminton, hokey, soccer, reading books, and many more. But for me, playing computer games is my thing. When I was in high school, every day after the school session ended I will always go straight to home and started to play games on my laptop. The latest game that I have played is Resident Evil 6,Splinter Cell and, Left 4 Dead 2. Every weekend, I will go to the` Game Station’ to survey is there any latest game already arrived to their store and I if those game have arrived I will buy those game. The price for one game is about RM30.As far as I know, I already spend about RM 300.Moreover,my friends  and my brother also share this same hobby as mine. So, sometimes I will meet them at cyber cafĂ© and playing computer games. We will playing online games such as BlackShot and FIFA Online. But when I play games with my brother, we always  play Ragnarok Online II. While in RO2 ,we always play as a partner to raid the dungeon in this game and sometimes we will exchange some item or equipment to defeat the boss .But my brother’s avatar has higher level than mine, so I will try to raise the level of my avatar. We had so much fun while playing those game and that’s my hobby……………….(”,)

Written BY:
MOhaMAd aMili

My favorite food

My favorite food is nasi lemak and many Malaysians as breakfast. Nasi lemak is also fun in cooking, because using the correct milk menanbahkan feel fat. Nasi lemak is very easy to find in Malaysia. Many businesses sell nasi lemak by the roadside or in the shops or kopitiam shop. nasi lemak can also be added to eggs, shellfish, chicken and squid to add delicious nasi lemak. Nasi lemak is also easy to make at home between material inserted during cooking slices of ginger and garlic. Nasi lemak is usually cooked on a regular basis or steamed. Packaging is also very easy to wrap in banana leaves or polystrene. Nasi lemak is considered available for the price is very cheap and easily found

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Ninghmare on cemetery

On a night of very bored staying at home alone because their parents back to the village. I usually can not sleep calm when I'm bored. I reached out a book and read horror stories "Oath Hill gnome.". Anecdotes, especially when fur romaku stand reading a woman named Si Saadiah scream and turned into a vampire. Soon after, I went into my room and lie down lie down on my bed and tried to sleep. Suddenly I fell asleep and I find myself at the grave of a very formidable. Burial was calm and quiet no one there. Suddenly, a long-haired woman approached me and smiled at me. His face was as beautiful as Diana Danielle makes my heart terlonjat-lonjat because I've never seen a pretty girl bergitu before my eyes. "What? Angel at the tomb? Strangely". Sounds of owls and crickets breaking the silence of the night .. "A respectable, here ya! Danial name. "My smile he quietly and shook his finger at the old gravestones. Suddenly a strong wind blew the leaves around a grave. I sat next to his headstone I asked," Why do you live in a place quiet? "Lightning illuminates the night sky black and suddenly a grandmother came near us. grandmother went duck and try to lead two hands" diana "it." Cu, let's go home, "the grandmother said as she held hands of the girl. Granny and a beautiful woman turned into a very ugly face and flew into the trees. screaming for help because I was surprised to see a beautiful girl turned into a very ugly woman I quickly fled without looking behind. my stumbling stone and banging my head on the rock, I fainted. I wake up and realize that all this is only a dream. next day I walked in the Road Cemetery and I saw a lady with a girl selling nasi lemak there. Smiling, I walked into the stall. "Grandma, nasi lemak and teh tarik," I want to get acquainted with the girl. "Maybe next time only," I whispered to myself. Increasingly noisy environment with humans and all other creatures that apparently differ with quiet night in the cemetery have been out of their homes. I sip a cup of tea in the morning while breathing a sigh of relief that it's not perfect yet my nightmare night

written by:

Tuesday 23 September 2014


           Money is the scariest thing that exist in this world. Even though there is ghost,wild animal,and also terrorist. As an example, nowdays in news they always tell the us about those money a son could kill their own mother, a whole family will brakeup because of the inheritance, and even someone could sell their own pride.Moreover,a war between two country also could be start up because of those money,without any mercy those innocence civilian were slaughtered mercilessly because of those money. Even though sometimes money will bring us happiness,but it also depend on the owner itself, weather they use those money in a good way or not.
      Written By:
      Mohamad Amili

Nightmare- TENGKU

I was having a nightmare. That I have dream a terrible nightmare. I was standing alone in dark place that I did not know where I was supposed to be. I was wondering and looking around to find out where I was and how I how did I get here. Then I saw something walk through from me. I didn’t know what that was. I tried to make first step walking towards that thing. Unfortunately, that thing disappeared from my sight. I could not see anything around me, that how it appeared again. It makes me frightened to be here alone. Without hesitation, I braved myself to find the way out from this darkness. It was too cold and silent until I heard a crowd of screaming. I ran fast as lightning towards the sound and I was too worried that the sound would disappear like that thing had just now. Suddenly, I woke up from my dream and go out from my room to find my mom. My bed also getting wet during I sleep. Whatever it is, I’m very scared of it..


"Don't eat just before going to bed !" my mother used to tell me. "You might get a nightmare." How right she was. I never believed her until it happened to me.
It was on a night when I felt hungry just as I was about to go to bed. So I made myself a peanut-butter sandwich and a large cold glass of milk. After consuming them I went to bed.
Soon I drifted off into a troubled sleep. I dreamt that I was with a group of people looking for an old woman. I was not sure why we were looking for her but we all seemed afraid of her. Somehow we had to find her. So there I was, searching high and low for her in frightful places I had never been before. Sometimes I seemed to be flying while at other times I seemed unable to move. The whole atmosphere was one of fear, like a dreadful horror-movie in which I was a victim.
After some searching I entered a darkened room and saw a figure sleeping on a bed. As I got nearer the figure suddenly threw away the blanket, got up and stared at me. It was an ugly old woman with shiny golden teeth. She raised her claw-like fingers and walked towards me.
I wanted to run but was unable to. I tried to scream but found that I could not. In horror I struggled and struggled to get away from the frightful woman.
The next moment I gave a muffled yell and found myself panting on my bed. My goodness, what a horrible nightmare it was! For a minute or so I lay on my bed not daring to close my eyes for fear of falling asleep again and continuing the nightmare. Then I sat up on my bed until the horrible feeling passed. From then on I never eat just before going to sleep.

written by:

Tuesday 16 September 2014


One night, I was reviewing at living alone.Wall clock showed 1.00 am. After reviewing, I went to the room to pack while waiting for a bed and parents back from a birthday party with their friends. I do not go because they want to revise. Tomorrow is a school day.At that time, I was very lonely, lonely because my neighbors are asleep. Because the air is very cold outside with heavy rain. Therefore, I am very frightened.Suddenly, a power failure, a condition in my house dark. I feel very scared. Then, I heard a knock from the door of my house. I think my parents had come home from a birthday party with their friends.When the door opened, I saw a very pretty girl like princess. Suddenly, the woman turns into a very ugly witch. He has short hair like a broom, red-eyed and long claws.He wanted to eat my flesh and drink my blood. He flew using black broom to chase me. I was very frightened and ran fast. Suddenly, I hit the edge of the table hit my body. Oh, the pain! At that time, the sorcerer strangled my neck. I even screamed out loud to ask for help. When I opened my eyes, I found my mother was stunned. Apparently I'm only dreaming. I feel sick because I fell out of bed and get wet because I peed on the bed.fortunately this was just a horrible dream !!!!!


my favourite food ( @pple )

My favourite is  apple because it contains a lot of nutrients. the nutrient can healthy the body because of that , I chose apple  as the fruit of my favorite food. On the day of week, every week I asked my dad to buy a apple  at the market while he going out . I like apple that are green.  These apples are grown in a temperate climate. Apples can be purchased fresh, canned, dried, or frozen. Fresh apples make excellent snacks and their skins can also be used to decorate meals. Canned apples are usually used to make pies, cobblers, or desserts. Dried apples are great for snacks. Frozen apples are used the same way as canned apples. Apples can be eaten raw, baked, roasted, stewed, or boiled. It can also be made into jellies, tarts, pies, puddings, and sauces. I hope my surounding at my house have many apple tree..

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My Favourite Food- TENGKU

Food is an essential thing in human's life. People consume food which produces energy for them to do their daily routine. All over the world, there are varieties of food. People eat food depends on the region they are living. For example, in the Middle East, They all like eat eastern food. That’s why food is important to our life. My favourite food is Sushi. I very like Sushi. Sushi just only has in Japan. Fresh sushi is the best food in Japan. Sushi comes from fresh seafood even though expensive, as long as tasty and satisfying. Best of all, how they serve their food to customer. Sushi is a Japanese representative food. There are made of tuna, egg, squid, and flying-fish roe and so on. It taste very unique went we put in our mouth. When I was young. I can’t eat flying-fish roe.

THE FOOD (Benefits of Local Fruits)

I want to tell you first about fruit in Malaysia.Malaysians are encouraged to eat more local fruits. Write about the benefits of local fruits.Local fruits are fruits that are in our country Malaysia. Some examples of local fruit is durian, rambutan and others.Malaysians are encouraged to take local fruits for nutritious local fruits. The fruit is certainly more beneficial because the content of various types of substances and vitaminnya still intact and this is not it better for our health.Local fruits are also readily available, especially during the fruit season. Fruit trees such as banana and papaya can be our own planting around the house, or we live in the village. This will facilitate us to get the fruits without the need to spend money.Local fruits can also help improve the country's economy. When our preferred local fruits, this will increase the income of farmers and thus can provide more employment opportunities. Indirectly, we have helped the country to provide jobs and increase the country's economy.In conclusion, we are encouraged to eat local fruits because many benefits that can be obtained. Furthermore local fruit is cheaper than fruit imports. Therefore, Malaysians can enjoy the fruits regardless of rich or poor.

writen by,

Tuesday 9 September 2014

My hobby


Hobby is something that is on a man to fill their free time with useful things. My hobbies are fishing, playing computer games and meet with friends and casual conversation. I also have a hobby of playing football. I do this activity every evening except there are important matters to be done. I prefer playing computer games as a hobby when I get time. I spend most of my time playing computer games with friends while away from home. I always go to cyber cafe to play with my computer. This hobby gives advantages to me to spend my spare time. Among the benefits is being able to nourish my mind because playing computer games need a lot of thinking and add my contacts on social networking sites. This activity can Prevent me from involvement in activities that are not good as hanging out without making a useless thing. Playing computer games also require many connections to communicate on social networking sites so I get anxious to add my contacts

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Playing Netball

My hobby is playing netball.I like playing netball because it can produce healthy sweat and health.I started playing netball at 8 years old.Besides, playing netball can also strengthen the body stamina.I used to play netball with my family and my friends.See netball is more of a mental sport than anything else, so running on the track wasn’t only about getting in shape. At first, I did not know how to play netball. Therefore, well-my friend taught me how to play basketball the right way. I learned how to play basketball the right way for 4 months, 3 weeks. I also ask for help from a coach who specializes in this field. He gives a lot of useful advice to me. After a while I learned how to play it right, I can play basketball perfectly. I am very fun to be able to play basketball properly. I am very grateful to the teachers for teaching me the basic to perfectly.


my H0bBEiS

My hobby when I was seven years old is playing  badminton and football .but at that time my favourite hobby is playing football. I play football when I am free.  I started to play football when I was seven. I was interested in it at that time because it was exciting and it could make me healthy. At the first time, my football coach taught me how to do play football. I felt excited at that time.  I like my hobby because it is exciting. It is also good for my health because it can exercise my body. I practise playing football for two hours every Saturday and fifteen minutes on Sundays. I play football with my classmates at school and my dad and uncles at the home. With my age now , I just playing badminton only because I always tired. I hope that the current generation can spend time with sports.

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               Saving money is to save the acquired practice. This money is stored in a safe place such as in a bank or in the form of shares. Saving money can also be regarded as providing an umbrella before it rains. A lot of good that would be obtained if we save money. One of the good than we are saving benefit. It is his deep money in the bank will be paid benefits will be paid when the stock dividend. For example, if we save money in the fixed deposit accounts, we will follow the levels of benefits paid and deposits the entire period. Thus, it is stored longer wang, higher levels of benefits to be obtained. Saving deeds will educate us so that was always careful chambers. Attitude is actually a carefully chambers of the good deeds of his deep we will be more careful in making shopping. By it, we may be able to circumvent the wastage. For example, if the money had overage, someone who is not going to save the act to spend money to buy things he wants. Strictly speaking, the attitude would like to save it does not make someone redundant and learn to carefully chambers. Saving practice can also help us in a state of anxiety that needs money. We actually can not menjangka thing would apply to ourselves or our families, poor people do not like the smell. Thus, if we are unfortunate or afflicted by disease, we may use the deposit money to get a good maintainability in the hospital. Precisely, wang existing deposits can save lives in a state of distress. Saving money can also escort inflation. It is thus his deep when we were saving, money flowing in aktiviti purchases are kurang.Keadaan can circumvent the rising prices of goods in the market. If the price of the goods does not rise, inflation will not apply. Thus, it can save escort inflation. In conclusion, we must practice love saving attitude. A child should be encouraged in order to save childhood again. So that when our distress we save money in the bank we can use when in distress later.

Sunday 7 September 2014

HoBby is EvRythInG -TENGKU

            Everyone has a hobby in your spare time. We need to spend their time with things that are worthwhile and can benefit us all. At present there are many hobbies that most new. Among the most recent hobby is like reading a book, playing football, surfing the internet and so on. Every man has his peculiar hobby. Hobbies bring many benefits to humans. Therefore, everyone should practice a hobby. Among the beneficial hobby is reading books. By reading the book, we can enrich their vocabulary. We can also add knowledge. Reading books can give us stories about entertainment and fun. With the hobby, we can spend our leisure time in useful.