Tuesday 16 September 2014

My Favourite Food- TENGKU

Food is an essential thing in human's life. People consume food which produces energy for them to do their daily routine. All over the world, there are varieties of food. People eat food depends on the region they are living. For example, in the Middle East, They all like eat eastern food. That’s why food is important to our life. My favourite food is Sushi. I very like Sushi. Sushi just only has in Japan. Fresh sushi is the best food in Japan. Sushi comes from fresh seafood even though expensive, as long as tasty and satisfying. Best of all, how they serve their food to customer. Sushi is a Japanese representative food. There are made of tuna, egg, squid, and flying-fish roe and so on. It taste very unique went we put in our mouth. When I was young. I can’t eat flying-fish roe.

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