Wednesday 24 September 2014

MY Favorite FoOd...(Fried Rice)

Nasi Goreng Kampung
There are many fancy food that has been created by the professional chef in the world, such as sushi, prosciutto carbonara  pasta and many more. But for me, my favorite food is fried rice, even though there is variety type of fried rice such as  `nasi goreng kampung’, `nasi goreng cina’, `nasi goreng paprik ‘ and many more. But for me I only love to eat  a simple fried rice and that is cooked by my mother. Even though those fried rice is make by using simple ingredient such as anchovy ,pepper ,onion ,some salt and rice but it is still my favorite food. The first reason fried rice had become my favorite food because it is cooked by my mother .The second reason is because it is easier to make then other food and it take just a couple of minutes to be cooked and last but not least my last reason is because I eat those fried rice when I was only 3 years old until now and those western food is not my cup of tea. So ,if someone ask me what is my favorite food, I will tell them that `fried rice’ is my favorite food

Written BY:
MOhamAd Amili

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