Sunday 12 October 2014

Eerie STory by (MOhamad Amili)

Today I want to tell a story about that has happened to me last two years.It happened when I was in high school hostel.I wake up in the morning,around 6.30 a.m to pray sollah.After that I go to take a shower and prepare myself to go to class.That day it was like a normal day the birds are flying gracefully in the sky.So,that day is go on as usual until I finished my school lesson.That night around 12.30 a.m after all of the students are already goes to bed.My friends and I are still at the study room,suddenly my friend felt very sleepy and ask me to go to sleep. So, I followed him to the dorm and sleep on our own bed.Then about 30 minutes later, I felt there something is trying to wake me up. When I woke,it was my friend he ask me to assist him to go to toilet because he was afraid to go alone. So I go with him  to the toilet. After he finished his  business, I was waiting for him in front of the toilet. Then suddenly my friend were screaming and it make me startled. I ask him why he was screaming just now so he said that someone was whispered at him. That why he was scream just now,instantly I felt goosebumps. So, we ran as fast as we could and jump straight on the bed then go sleep as fast as I could. In the next morning I wake up as usual and pretends that the last night incident was never happened......
Just For Decoration

Written By :
 MOhamAd AmiLi

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